Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Current status, some updates on things.

2020 sure was a weird eyar. I'm bummed but understand why they are not going to count hikes done while the parks/trails were "closed". I'll try to keep chipping away at things in 2021. Today I caught up on entries since 2018 (yikes). In 2020 they updated the 52WAV list! Gone are the following peaks:
West Royce Mountain, Mount Hibbard, Black Mountain (Jackson?), Iron Mountain, and Square Ledge
and added are:
Mount Morgan, Mount Percival, Pine Mountain, Roger's Ledge, and Table Mountain.
I had none of the ones that have been nixed, but if i had i would be able to pick from the 5 to fill in the gaps. Not looking forward to driving for Roger's Ledge, if I am being honest with you. That's up PAST Cabot in the Pilot Range. Oh well. As of now, for those keeping track, I am currently sitting at NH48 32/48, 52WAV 30/52. Might be able to wrap both lists up at the same time! Also would like to tack down the VT5 soon, then make the NE67 a lifetime achievement for myself.

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