Tuesday, October 8, 2019

08OCT19 - Imp Face

Keeping on 52WAV progress with Imp Face.

History:I imagine that the name comes from the face of the ledge there looking like an Imp's Face from the north.

Peak Elevation: 3165ft
Elevation Gain: 1800ft ish
Trail:Imp Trail
Length: 6.3mi

This hike was with my friend Ms. Monarch and her doggo, Cabela. We did a 2 car approach so we could do the loop and not have to suffer through hoofing it to the car once off trail, for an added 0.3mi on pavement on a busy road. Starting at the Northern terminus of the Imp Tr. we worked our way up some good grades before getting to the steeper stuff as we approached the lookout form Imp Face. Cabela handled all of this like a champ but he's a strong mixed breed pupper. The lookout was really nice, so we stopped for an early snack/lunch before continuing uphill slightly to head down after meeting up with the trail junction with the North Carter trail. Going down tot he southern terminus was not bad at all, defintely can see why this is the preferred way to do this loop.


Definitely a nice hike, taking the southern terminus could be a fun way to traverse the Carters, as well.

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