History: Some sources indicate that this peak was originally named Mt. Cuba, after a hunting dog that was killed by a bear near the summit. “Mt. Cube” was said to be a local corruption of this name. A different story going around says that “Cuba” was applied by a West Indian sailor who settled locally, presumably after the Caribbean island.
Peak Elevation: 2909 ft
Elevation Gain: ~2200 ft.
Trail:Mt Cube Trail (AT)
Length:6.6 miles
Time on Trail : 10:15
Time off Trail: 14:00
Getting to the trail is pretty easy - NH-25A in Orford NH. Set your GPS to go to Upper Bakler Pond Rd, Orford NH and the trailhead has signage viewable from the road. Parking is roadside - remember to park as well onto the shoulder as you can. You'll see a sign for Camp Moosilauke, and the trail you want is right across the road. the AT crosses the highway, resuming about 100 yards to the east.
The trail ascends gradually, making an indirect appraoch to the peak of Mt Cube. Only one true water crossing on this day, though in spring and after rain, I can ssee a few drainage paths seeming like more. There was some gnarly erosion at one drainage section that will require a bit of rerouting, which it looks as if someone has started the process as seen by the surveyors tape. The early switchbacks were kind of annoying and I can definitely agree that there is an opportunity to take a bushwack to the top here. I'd do so at risk only knowing the boggy land to the east of the mountain might mean a bad day for someone who doesn't scout this out beforehand.
The top offers great views into the Connecticut River Valley into Vermont. I did not take time to speculate which peaks were what, though i suspect I could see Camel's hump and Mt. Abraham and Mt Ellen. Mt Moosilauke is able to be seen from the peak as well.
Mt Cube NH 22Oct17
I opted not to go to the north side peak of Mt. Cube, as I wanted to make it home in time to watch the 4pm football games. for the same reason i opted to not take the additional 1.5 miles to the Hexacuba shelter, which its 5-sided privy.
I'll be backdating some entries hereon out as a try to recount the important stuff I did on my 4000 footers and 52WAV quest.
Useful sources used for this post:
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xMQt0PwFw8vuVwMLzVFTwI0k1TwX66AM4Ht6aeQaMiM/edit
- http://outdoors.dartmouth.edu/activities/hiking/hikes/cube.html