Monday, October 17, 2016

17 October 2016: Galehead Mountain

I was itching for a less intendse hike on this day, and BishopX agreed to come with me to do Galehead as a solo shot. The weather was supposed to be cloudy and not too bad temperature wise.

History: The name behind this seems to have some obscurity - the Gale river, named for some local person in the 1850s, originates from this area so i'll guess it's origin is tied to that.

Peak Elevation: 4024 ft
Elevation Gain: 2700ish ft.
Trail: Gale River Tr., Garfield Ridge Tr., Frost Tr.
Length: 10.2 mi.
Time on Trail : 0909
Time off Trail: 1430ish

We got out a bit later than usual, we wasted no time getting on trail to try and crush the friendly grades that are part of the beginning of the Gale River trail. I do not recall much else about this until we broke through to the Galehead Hut, which appeared to be closed for the year. We took in a bit of the view there before scooting up the Frost Trail to find our cairn. After that we walked back to a small overlook into the Pemi Wilderness, and then walked back to the hut to have a food break before our descent. A nice day with not too much sun exposure, is a total win for me.

Galehead Mountain 17OCT16

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