Wednesday, May 13, 2015

13 May 2015: Grand Monadnock

This peak is in Southern NH, is close to home and was but easy and enjoyable of a hike. I wanted to get a quick but challenging hike in so I went looking for the steepest route to take that would fit in my needs for that day.

History: This mountain’s name derives from a native term lossely translated to “island mountain”, meaning it’s pretty much out there by itself as opposed to being part of a range.

Peak Elevation: 3165 ft
Elevation Gain: 1771 ft
Trail: White Dot Trail, White Cross Trail
Length: 3.9 mi.
Time on Trail : 0945
Time off Trail: 1245

Seeing as I wanted another tune-up after the butt-kicking I got from the Moats, I opted for the White Dot trail as it is just shy of 2 miles to the summit with 1700 of elevation gain. I enjoyed the steep challenge of this trail and even got a kick out of the “halfway point” sign along the way. It’s not long before you’re above the treeline on the bare rock summit. 360 degree views make this a popular destination for the Boston hiking crowd. I descended down the White Cross trail as it ended at the same lot and provided little vista views on the way down.

It’s too bad that dogs are not allowed on this mountain due to state park rules. Here are hundred of better described versions of this hike so I’ll end this here.

Mt Monadnock (Grand Monadnock) 13MAY15

Note: this is a backdated entry made in 2017

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