Saturday, July 16, 2016

16 July 2016: North and South Hancock

Middle of July seemed like a great time to go out hiking, and I wanted to grab a quick set of peaks today. Mt Hancock's North and South peaks are located just off the Kanc, and the reports made it sound like a good hike to try solo.

History: Mt Hancock is named for John Hancock, a founding father of this country. Technically, the south peak is "unnamed".

Peak Elevation: North peak 4420ft.; South peak 4319 ft.
Elevation Gain: 2575 ft
Trail: Hancock Notch Tr., Hancock Loop Tr.
Length: 9.8 mi.
Time on Trail : 0750
Time off Trail: 1330

Rolling out that morning the heat index was supposed to be moderate to high, so i figured starting earlier would be best. On trail before 0800 was a good idea as the heat index did indeed get to the high 80's. I had plenty of water and coverage for my head and arms, but did remember to put on sunscreen. The trail started out kind of like a nature walk, nice and flat with even ups and downs. lots of roots. minor stream crossings. the uphill wasn't all that bad getting to where the loop trail forks off to the north and south. I went south and quickly ascended both peaks, and kept moving as the heat was only going to get worse. I passed a number of people on my way back to my car, and encountered another hiker i chatted with on the way through who was having some foot pain. I regret not offering to assist, but i kept moving after catching my breath. they were on a flat portion and only had about 1.5 miles back to the trailhead so i am sure they were fine.

Mt. Hancock, North and South peak  16JUL16

I wrapped up around 1330 and was pretty stoked at the pace i had done in the heat.