Sunday, June 26, 2016

26 June 2016: Mt Moriah

Today we were supposed to hike one of the Carters, but got sidetracked when the GPS didnt have us turn due to signal loss so we called an audible and hiked Mount Moriah instead.

History: I am unsure of the origins of the name, but I believe this could be a Biblical reference.

Peak Elevation: 4049 ft
Elevation Gain: 3250 ft
Trail: Carter-Moriah Tr.
Length: 9.0 mi
Time on Trail : 0930
Time off Trail: 1600

Given the late hour in which we started, i didnt take much time to get photos snapped. I dont recall much of this trip, given it's backdated status nearly 2 years later. I recall the hike not being too awful and the weather was nice for June - not too muggy or buggy. Along the way we hit Mt. Surprise, which had some viewpoints along the trail. Mt Moriah is along the AT's route.

Mt. Moriah 26JUN16