Peak Elevation: 4500 ft
Elevation Gain: 2961 ft
Trail: Mt Garfield Trail
Length: 10.1 mi
Time on Trail: 0840
Time off Trail: 1410
Parking for the trail is on Gale River Loop road, near the 5 corners intersection. If you have found the Gale River Trailhead, you’ve gone about 2 miles too far.
This trail, which I guess is classified as a Class 1 (EASY) trail, provided a good 2nd hike contrast for me ads I bagged my 2nd 4000 footer. I was still not in good shape so this was a welcome change from last time. Bishop X was almost don e his NH48 journey but was glad to get out and didn’t mind redoing this one as the cold weather prompted a slight bit of color change in late September. The trail has a few steep sections that are pretty short. The trail appears to follow an old logging/access road for a former fire tower at the summit.
This summit has great views into the valley below (Pemi wilderness) from its ledges that are still mostly bare. The foundation of the former fire tower provides good wind breakage if you need it, but on this warm day we baked in the sun eating a snack before descending.
Mt Garfield 26Sep14
This is a backdated entry, made in 2017.